A Fed Need

There are many needs in this world, and while sometimes difficult, there are people out there making a stand to help fill these needs. One major example is the documentary ReMoved directed by Nathanael Matanick and Tony Cruz. They saw a need in foster children to have their story told and society to see their all-too-often story. The short documentary brings light to the children going through the Foster Care system and who are going through Child Abuse/ Neglect. Matanick’s intentions were to bring awareness to society about these children, but also identify with the people who have gone through these tragedies and lived through. He wanted their common story told to help others who may be going through the same thing. He also made the movie free to spread awareness to it’s full capacity. This passion towards awareness by telling one story has inspired my idea as I will venture into telling many people’s stories, young and old.





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